Shukokai Italy

What is Shukokai

Shito-ryu Shukokai Karate-do Union is an international organization whose purpose is to know the art of Shito-ryu Shukokai.

Shukokai is the speed of Shito-Ryu combined with the power of Goju-Ryu.

Is a methodology for the study of karate in which you try to get the maximum benefits for the body thanks to the continuous search for new ways to train the techniques of attack and defense.

Shu - ko - kai: " The way of all "

26 - 27 November 2022

International seminar with Sensei Tsutomu KAMOHARA
Great event in Italy!

Seminar in the city of Terni (Umbria region) and Tivoli (Lazio region), with more of 200 athleths.
The workouts were dedicated to the practice of Kata SANSERU, CHINTO, ANNANKO, SEIPAI, PINAN, Bunkai and Kumite

New President Shito-ryu Shukokai Union World is Tsutomu KAMOHARA

Tsutomu KAMOHARA 9th DAN Chief
President Shito-ryu SHUKOKAI Union World
Denis Casey 8th DAN
Vice President Shito-ryu SHUKOKAI Union World



26-27 November 2022 - International Seminar Shukokai Italy with Tsutomu Kamohara

May 21, 2018 - New President is Tsutomu KAMOHARA

January 7, 2018 - great sadness.... soke Yamada Haruyoshi sensei is died.

March 27, 2016 - Team Italy at Gishinkan Cup 2016 (Amagsaki)

March 24 - 25, 2016 - Training at Ashiya University with Masters Haruyoshi Yamada and Tsutomu Kamohara

March 19 March, 2016 - Shukokai Italy in Japan - Amagasaki (Honbu Dojo)